Sunday 16 February 2014


~ Many of the people that I knew a year ago, aren't just the same. I've observed quite a few changes in them, admired the good, and tried to ignore the bad. But, they made me think, think about the flow of transition, about the inception of change, about the reasons behind all these transitions that we see in people. I developed a citadel of thoughts about the subject, with one statement on the glacis, saying: "Transition is the code of nature". And, after thinking about all this, I took a decisive step. "At many points in my life, I'll undergo "the process", but every time I do that, I'll come out as a better person."
Change is good if you're getting closer to a better life, otherwise you'll end up being a miserable person, hating yourself for you don't know how many reasons. Understand life and understand others, being nice is what you want to do, trust me!

Creative Commons License
Thoughts Deciphered into Words by Raja Abdar-Rahman is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

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