Tuesday 18 February 2014

~ He's a different person. He has more control over his emotional self. He doesn't need anyone or anything anymore to depend on for his happiness. If he wants to be happy, he can find the required dimension. And, he enjoys the moments of sadness too, he understands the importance of sadness, and he believes that sadness is what makes him appreciate the happier, more delightful events of life. He's a different person, because he is stronger now. He is fighting a tumor, and he hasn't thought of giving up for once. He sleeps every night with the hope of seeing a new dawn, and he wakes up everyday with the thought of making that day the inception of a good life. He is determined, he has an aim, the biggest aim man has ever had, to survive! And, he stays happy, until his mind starts focusing on the mistakes that he has made in his past. He has regrets, some very big regrets that try their best not to let him sleep. Regrets that keep on toppling in his head. But, since he is a different person, he knows that God has planned what's best for his creation, so he tries to learn the good out of the history, and forget the rest. And, he has just one wish for his entire life, that he hasn't told anyone, not yet. He has planned to share it with everyone, the day he'll be a successful person, survive the tumor and have that wish fulfilled. He's a different person, because he wanted to be. And, wanting something is a stronger feeling than needing it.

Creative Commons License
Thoughts Deciphered into Words by Raja Abdar-Rahman is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

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