Thursday 13 March 2014

A Quest for Answers

There are many ways to define our unseemingly flimsy existence, many ways to give it meaning. It's like a sculpture, which we've framed with what we've done, and which we're still carving with what we're doing. A morsel of our existence is based on our past. That small fragment, that personal almanac of our good and bad memories is like a virus that is running inside our veins along with the reddish, thicker molecules. All those memories remind us of what we used to be, and we think about them every now and then, one memory at a time, hoping the ones we choose to remember don't betray or trap us. For it is the cruel irony of life that we are destined to hold the good with the bad, the right with the wrong. This is what defines us, what makes us weak and strong at the same instant, what makes us human, what we must admire, what we must hold on to for a while. But, I believe that we should also have the ability to move on, the wisdom to see the glimpses between the cracks of right and wrong, where light streams through, we must understand that the larger portion of our existence depends on what we have yet to do, and we must strive to make sure that whatever we do, does good to this world. 

At some point in time, we all want to solve the mysteries of life. So, we start asking questions to understand what we're dealing with. Answers to the questions hold a lot of meaning to us, they can give us the peace we've been searching for so long. But at times, questions are more powerful than answers, and the most difficult of those to answer is "Why?”. "Why is this happening? Why can't I do anything? Why am I so helpless?" These questions become nightmares to challenge our sleep. Still, we keep on thinking about them, because we believe that there is a reason for everything to happen, and if somehow we manage to find those reasons, we might get the ability to change the course of things. But, we fail to realize that some things don't depend on a reason to occur, they just happen to take us closer to our destiny. We don't understand the system by which destiny works. We’re not sure whether we choose our destiny or does it choose us? So, we don't stop until this search for answers extracts every element of strength out of us. And, when we're defeated in this unexpectedly "big" quest for answers, some of us head towards a tiring, more demanding search for "self". "Who am I? Why did God create me? What do I have to contribute to this world?" Another set of questions, harder to answer. And, in this ongoing search, there are these days when we find something genuinely new. Something obscure, cloaked. Something that we had no idea was there. And on that day of self-discovery, a question remains: "What kind of person are we? Does the good or the bad inside us win at the end of the day?" 

So basically, in all this investigation, our prime objective is to achieve the intelligence that enables us to define ourselves, the purpose of our lives and our destiny. No wonder, only a few of us get to the end of this journey, and a very minute fraction of us actually likes what we find. It might take a very long time, but at least we get the satisfaction that we know what we have to do with ourselves and our lives.

Creative Commons License
Thoughts Deciphered into Words by Raja Abdar-Rahman is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.


  1. Mashallah! very well written, your thoughts are much mature than your life experiences.....

  2. Thankyou very much. And yes, probably!
